Friday Blogamundi

Marla’s discussing neo-intellectualism at Intellectuelle. Or maybe it’s a movie review; I sort of got lost in all the neos.

From George Grant (no permalinks to individual posts): “. . . true education is a form of repentance. It is a humble admission that we’ve not read all that we need to read, we don’t know all that we need to know, and we’ve not yet become all that we are called to become. Education is that unique form of discipleship that brings us to the place of admitting our inadequacies.”

Francis J. Beckwith at Southern Appeal knows what causes That. We moms of large families get asked the question sometimes by people who are trying to make a joke, “Don’t you know what causes That?” Rest assured, anyone with eight children, knows.

In light of my study of Psalm 119 this summer and my posts on part of it, I found this post, “The 10 Commandments Are Sweeter Than Honey” at Dawn Treader, quite interesting. He quotes C.S. Lewis, a welcome addition to any blog post.
Semicolon on Psalm 119:

Questions to Ask at the Start of a New Year or on Your Birthday by Don Whitney. Since it’s the start of a new school year for many of us, these questions about where we’re going and why would be a good idea. Mr. Whitney writes, “The value of many of these questions is not in their profundity, but in the simple fact that they bring an issue or commitment into focus. For example, just by articulating which person you most want to encourage this year is more likely to help you remember to encourage that person than if you hadn’t considered the question.” I got this link from Carla at Reflections of the Times. Thanks, Carla.

I want this book.

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