Friday Blogamundi

First you must read this story, Prone to Wander, about a daddy, a two-year old and a shower. Found via Amy’s Humble Musings at the blog Lucid Moments.

Can Catholics convert Muslims, particularly European Muslims, to Christianity? Should they try? Spengler discusses The Conclave and the Crescent in Asia Times. Thought-provoking.

Catez at AllThings2All writes about the drawings of Sudanese children who are in refugee camps in Chad. What does the first drawing have in the sky–a bright yellow sun and puffy white clouds? No, the young teenage girl who drew the crayon picture drew helicopters dropping bombs on a village, her village. Catez also links to a webpage of Darfur children’s drawings at Human Rights Watch.

IreneQ writes about religious freedom, or the lack thereof, in an Islamic nation., Malaysia. She says, for one thing, that if an ethnic Malay converts to another religion (such as Christianity), he is no longer considered to be Malay, according to the Malaysian constitution. “Therefore, in Malaysia, to speak of a Malay person is to speak of a Muslim person.” My question is: If a Malay Christian isn’t a Malay, what is he?

One thought on “Friday Blogamundi

  1. Hi,
    I’ve linked to you. Can’t find your trackback so will do it here:
    Trackback from Allthings2all: The Darfur Collection: Submissions Invited

    Excerpt: I am inviting submissions for The Darfur Collection, which is open to ALL bloggers, and which may be on any aspect of the Darfur situation. For example, the posts may be on the genocide, the refugee camps, the current food situation, the UN’s role, the minimal international response, ways to help, and so on. You may find eye-witness accounts which you wish to post and/or comment on.

    I will take submissions until midnight EST, Sunday 14 May.

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