My Desk

Yesterday, Donna at A Quiet Life challenged us all to post a picture of our desk where we blog. As you can see from the state of my desk, it takes me a while to dig out the camera from under the piles. I looked at the pictures on other people’s blogs, and either I win Messiest Desk In Its Native State, or they cleaned up.

my desk

And today she asks for five things I would like to do someday. OK, but don’t tell me about how unrealistic I am, and I won’t tell you either. Let’s dream.

1. Go to Europe for the summer. Visit London, Cambridge, Oxford, Scotland, Paris, Rome, and wherever else I could fit in. Live with an English family.
2. Write a novel or a really good poem.
3. Work on the political campaign of someone I really believed in and see that person win the election.
4. Go on a mission trip to Russia.
5. Have my grandchildren spend the night with me on Friday nights. ( I don’t have any grandchildren, but I used to spend the night with my Mema every Friday night. We watched The Jack Benny Show and ate pink beans (pork and beans) and hamburger patties. Every Friday.)

5 thoughts on “My Desk

  1. My piles are just not on my desk…they are all over the house :o)
    I love your Friday night evening with Grandma! What a special memory…and great goal!

    I hope my children live close to us when they are married!

  2. I just finished reading about the Semilcolon last night in Eats, Shoots and Leaves; I thought of you often.

  3. True confessions: I dusted, and I put away two piles of paper. More importantly, though, I caught the desk on a good day. So, feel better, okay? I am a decluttering freak these days, too. The piles just get to me after awhile, and I become scary. (-:

    I like your list of to do’s for the future. What fun Friday memories to have with your grandmother.


  4. I, ahem, just put the batteries in the digital camera we got for Christmas, after I found them on my computer table. I don’t plan on posting a photograph of my desk anytime soon.

  5. Okay, I have a few questions.

    1.Who is Donna?
    2.What is A Quiet Life?
    3.Who is Mema?

    –Mum 🙂

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