You Know You’ve Been to the Mega-Homeschool Conference If . . .

. . . the parking lot is full of minivans, 15 passenger vans, and huge trucks full of homeschool curriculum.

. . . you mumble something in your sleep about unit studies and classical education.

. . . you come home with three different math curricula and you still haven’t decided which one you’re going to use.

. . .your right shoulder is sore, and your feet are telling you to wear the comfortable shoes tomorrow.

. . . you’ve spent the day dodging lots of little boys shooting Sergeant York air rifles and Davy Crockett wooden shotguns.

. . . your wonderful homeschooled children have spent the day at home watching television while you shopped, listened, and learned.

. . . you know the latest trend in homeschooling, and you’ve decided not to follow it.

. . . you plan to buy a milk crate on wheels for next year.

. . . you have several canvas and plastic bags full of homeschool catalogs stashed in the closet to look through later. (Trust me, later never comes.)

. . . you know the meaning of the acronyms HSLDA, ACE, SAT, KONOS, and YWAM.

. . . you realize that the seminar on teaching driver’s ed at home was not designed for a parent of a seven year old.

. . . you know how to avoid homeschool burnout, but conference burnout is a definite possibility.

. . . you’re caught up on all the news about homeschool friends from across the city and across the state, except the ones that aren’t homeschooling anymore.

. . . you’re refreshed, inspired, and exhausted all at the same time.

One thought on “You Know You’ve Been to the Mega-Homeschool Conference If . . .

  1. “. . . you know the latest trend in homeschooling, and you?ve decided not to follow it.”

    Love this! I have to work to resist jumping on the latest bandwagon.

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