
Bill Kristol: “The juvenile happy talk reached its peak with this presidential statement: ‘If there’s a blue pill and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half price for the thing that’s going to make you well?’
Now, there’s good idea. Why hasn’t anyone else thought of that? For this reform, we need to spend $1 trillion?”

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts: “I’ll believe he’s serious about improving health insurance when he says, ‘I know this can work, and we’ll start with all federal, state and local officials, elected and appointed, me and my family, Congress and SCOTUS included, and civil service staff, run it as a model for 5 years to tweak and improve it, just to show to you it can work.'”

Richard Land: “Unless Congress specifically prohibits abortion services being covered as an ‘essential benefit,’ government bureaucrats will inevitably create an “abortion mandate” for both public health insurance plans and publicly subsidized private plans. Then tens of millions of Americans will be forced to pay through their taxes for that which they find morally reprehensible.”

The Senate will NOT vote on the health care legislation until after the August break. In the meantime you can do something to stop this ridiculous legislation that will give the federal government control over something that they have no right or responsibility to control: our health and the doctors and hospitals that dispense health care.

What you can do if you DON’T want Obamamed:

1. Pray
2. E-mail and write letters to your Representative and two Senators.
3. Call the Washington office and the local office of your Representative and two Senators.
4. Spread the word! Distribute this flyer to everyone you know and use Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail samples.
5. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper.

6 thoughts on “Obamamed

  1. This is one of those times when I’m starting to feel overwhelmed by the stupidity of it all. But the overwhelmed feeling leads to inactivity which is something that we really can’t afford now, can we? (Along with the stimulus package.)

    THanks for the encouragment to DO something.

  2. I found it hilarious that he went with “the blue pill,” which in “The Matrix” was the pill that would’ve kept Neo plugged in and oblivious to the real world.

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