El cuerpo (corpus)

Computer Guru’s Latin teacher sent this list of body parts in five Romance languages: Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Eldest Daughter and I share an interest in languages, particularly Romance languages and English. Can you figure out what each of the twenty-five terms is in English? And if you can, is it because you know one of the languages or because of the English cognates for many of these words for parts of the human body?

1. auris oreille oreja orelha orecchio
2. bracchium bras brazo braco braccio
3. capillus cheveux cabello cabelo capelli
4. caput tete cabeza cabeca testa
5. cerebrum cervelle cerebro cerebro cervello
6. collum cou cuello pescoco collo
7. cor coeur corazon calcanhar cuore
8. crus jambe pierna perna gamba
9. dens dent diente dente dente
10. digitus doigt dedo dedo dito
11. frons front frente testa fronte
12. gena joue mejilla face guancia
13. iecur foie higado figado fegato
14, labrum levre labio labio labbro
15. manus main mano mao mano
16. nasus nez nariz nariz naso
17. oculus oeil ojo olho occhio
18 os os hueso osso osso
19. pectus poitrine pecho peito petto
20. pes pied pie pe piede
21. pulmo poumon pulmon pulmao polmone
22. sanguis sang sangre sangue sangue
23. umerus epaule hombro hombbro spalla
24. vena veine vena veia vena
25. venter estomac estomago estomago stomaco

I think I know all of them except #13, but that’s because I speak Spanish. I’ve seen the word higado, but I can’t remember what it means. Nor can I guess from the words in the other languages.

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