Hymn #8: Holy, Holy, Holy

Lyrics: Reginald Heber, 1826.

Music: NICAEA by John Bacchus Dykes, 1861.

Theme: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” Revelation 4:8.

Steve Webb’s Lifespring Hymn Stories: Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!

This hymn was written specifically to be sung on Trinity Sunday, the first Sunday after Pentecost, eight weeks after Easter Sunday. Heber’s hymn was considered by Alfred, Lord Tennyson to be one of the fines hymns ever written. Heber was appointed Anglican bishop of Calcutta (which included responsibility for all of India, Sri Lanka, and Australia), and he was known for his hard work and devotion to the evangelization of the Indian people.

1. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee;
Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

2. Holy, holy, holy! all the saints adore Thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
Which wert and art and everymore shall be!

3. Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see,
Only Thou art holy, there is none beside Thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity!

4. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea.
Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

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