Confessions of an Abortion Doctor

I found a link to this amazingly open and vulnerable article by an abortion doctor at Christianity Today. It reminded me of Huckleberry Finn, probably because I’m still reading Huck Finn (no, I didn’t finish before this morning, but it’s OK). Huck is so confused about morality and ethical reasoning. He knows it’s not right for him to help Jim, the slave, “steal himself” from his mistress, but he just can’t bring himself to do the “right” thing and turn Jim in to the authorities. So he decides that he’ll just have to do what he feels is right and face the consequences, “go to hell.”
The Boston abortion doctor in the article is just about as confused as poor old Huck. She know the baby in the womb is a child, that she is ending a life when she aborts a baby.

I have the utmost respect for life; I appreciate that life starts early in the womb, but also believe that I’m ending it for good reasons. Often I’m saving the woman, or I’m improving the lives of the other children in the family. I also believe that women have a life they have to consider. If a woman is working full-time, has one child already, and is barely getting by, having another child that would financially push her to go on public assistance is going to lessen the quality of her life. And it’s also an issue for the child, if it would not have had a good life. Life’s hard enough when you’re wanted and everything’s prepared for. So yes, I end life, but even when it’s hard, it’s for a good reason.

The doctor ends her confessions with these hauntingly tragic words:

I feel like I’m doing something so right. How could people think it’s wrong?

4 thoughts on “Confessions of an Abortion Doctor

  1. That absolutely makes me ill. How horrible to live in a sort of uncertainty like that, only to someday realize (maybe too late) the truth.

  2. Actually, I think most pro-choice people actually do believe they are ending a human life–they know it is murder–but they believe a woman’s choice is a more important value. That’s why abortion at 15 weeks or full term is all the same to them. They know what they are doing. And that’s what makes it so awful.

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