Stimulating Taxes

The Anchoress has a 1-2-3 Stimulus Bill, an easy three-step program to stimulate the economy. I think she has a great idea, and I have a plan to help with step three on her list: make people who don’t pay their taxes pay them.

It looks as if there might be a lot of these people, people who owe forty thousand or one hundred fifty thousand dollars in taxes. The IRS doesn’t have time or manpower to audit everyone who might owe that amount of money or more. What we need is self-audit. And we’ve happened onto a way to get rich people to ‘fess up and pay their back taxes: appoint them to a position in the Obama administration that requires confirmation by the US Senate. Now, President Obama can’t appoint everyone who make more than a million dollars to a position within the administration any more than the IRS can audit all those millionaires. However, he can threaten/promise. I suggest he make a statement something like this:

“I believe that if you’ve made a million or more dollars that you know something. You’re doing something right. And I want that kind of expertise in my administration. So, I’m going to be looking at a list of millionaires for positions in my new administration. And I want a bipartisan group working for me, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat or neither or even if you haven’t voted in years. If you had a million dollars in income in any year in the past five years, I’m looking at you. Uncle Sam wants you to serve. HOWEVER, you must have paid all your taxes. If you have any unpaid taxes, please pay them now, voluntarily, so that I can consider you as a part of my team.”

All those millionaires would be scrambling to pay their taxes just like Daschle. The US treasury would start filling up, and if we also did steps one and two of The Anchoress’s plan, everyone would at least have a good time for a while. Which is more than I can say for the stimulus package that’s in Congress now.

2 thoughts on “Stimulating Taxes

  1. Am I the only person that is maddened by those commercials from companies that promise to get you out of paying the back taxes that you owe? You know, there is some couple, laughing that they owed $20,000 and ABC Rip-off got the IRS to ‘accept’ $1.45. Well, folks, who do you think is going to make up the difference? You and me, that’s who!

  2. No you are not the only one that is sick of seeing the commercials. I wonder how people can think that the goverment would just let that money go, I wonder if they just don’t care who makes up the money as long as they don’t. It makes me mad.

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