Poetry Friday: Hurley Needs a Cool Code Name

Dude, are you OK? You’re looking kinda….goth.

Great, go look down the burning death hole!

Dude, that was like a. . . jedi moment.

Back home, I’m known as something of a warrior myself.

We’re lost on an island, running from monsters, boars, freaking polar bears.

Locke’s out in the jungle killing stuff.

The numbers are bad.

Did either of you see a guy run through here…in a bathrobe…with a coconut?

I just go along with it, ’cause I’m along for the ride. Good old fun-time Hurley.

I like that I like chicken?

The torch near the dynamite thing, not making a whole lot of sense to me.

Let’s look Death in the face and say, ‘Whatever, man!”

Did that bird just say my name?

So, like, the hatch blew off your underwear?

Attention Others. Come in Others.
best stay away from our beach…

Can’t believe you’re just giving him Australia. Australia’s the key to the whole game.

I don’t wanna see the ocean.

Dude, I’ve been having regular conversations with dead people.

The last thing I need now is paranoia.

Never say never, dude.

OK, as poetry it’s severely lacking in form, rhythm, and other poetical elements. However, it works for me as a sort of shorthand summary of Hurley’s experience on the island (LOST) and our experience as viewers trying to understand and assimilate all the plot lines and themes and numerous strands of the show that is LOST. In other words, I’m having fun.

Check in with Laura Salas for some real poetry on this Friday.

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