I might as well admit it. If you’ve read this blog at all, you’ll guess my deep dark secret anyway: I am a Red State Evangelical Christian Values Voter. What’s more, I know a lot of RSECVV’s. I thought maybe it would be helpful to tell you about some of the RSECVV’s that I know. Exhibit 1:

My friends Marta and Steve have nine children. Five of the children are birth children, and four are adopted. Marta grew up Southern Baptist, graduated from college with a BS in education and taught for a while in public schools. Steve grew up Methodist, dropped all that religious stuff when he went to college, and eventually graduated with a degree in geology. He hated geology and the oil industry went bust, so he went back and got another degree in computer science. These are well educated people. They homeschool their nine children. One of their adopted children is biracial, and one is black (from Africa). Steve and Marta are pro-life, and they’ve demonstrated their convictions by adopting four older children who were considered unlikely to be adopted. They don’t own any guns, and they believe in protecting the environment. One of their daughters wants to become a park ranger or manager of a wildlife reserve. Marta was told, while pregnant, that her fourth child would be severely retarded and should be aborted. She and Steve refused to consider the idea, and their daughter was born healthy and and with normal intelligence. Marta and Steve are active in church and both believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to earth as God incarnate, died, and was resurrected from the dead. Marta stays at home to keep house and homeschool while Steve works at NASA. Their kids are involved in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and Boy Scouts.. Steve and Marta both supported Bush in the recent election because they believe that Bush represents their values and beliefs. They believe that marriage is a union beween one man and one woman. Thaey also believe that h0m0sexual behavior is wrong although they’ve know homosexuals before and have tried to counsel with and help them.

Are these people self-righteous, intolerant, ignorant, uneducated, uninformed, mislead, bigoted, religious zealots? Or are they admirable Christian parents?

5 thoughts on “RSECVV

  1. I’ll take door number two. ;^)

    Adoption is just the coolest thing. Gives me goosebumps. Just out of curiosity, was the African child an unaccompanied refugee minor? Or was it a child who lost his parents after coming to the States?

  2. I’ll take door number two. ;^)

    Adoption is just the coolest thing. Gives me goosebumps. Just out of curiosity, was the African child an unaccompanied refugee minor? Or was it a child who lost his parents after coming to the States?

  3. Refugee. Actually, the details are “classified,” because his status still isn’t exactly resolved, even though the adoption is final. I know that makes no sense, but if you’ve ever dealt with INS, you’d understand.

  4. My church is running into problems in Washington with the state refusing to allow a white family to adopt a biracial child because hrm… they’re white. This is the same family that has been fostering said child since he was 2 months old. He’s 2 and a half now. (years)

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