Life Links

I’m hoping to make this a weekly feature when I return from my blog break because I fully believe that we will ultimately end the scourge of abortion by changing hearts, not laws. Yes, I believe that the law needs to change, too. But many people will not obey a law that is not written on their hearts. So, “life links” is my small way of telling everyone who comes to this blog that God is the Creator and Sustainer of every single human life, that our lives and the lives of our children are gifts from His hand, and that we as children of the Heavenly Father cannot continue to devalue the lives of others by tolerating abortion in our country or in our world.

I found this old post from 2005 at the Common Room. It’s about a time when the Headmistress was feeling very poor and very frightened. I’ve copied an excerpt, but you should really read the entire story.

I cried myself to sleep many nights, wishing I wasn’t pregnant. Even typing those words tonight, two decades later, I feel sick at the thought. ‘Ending the pregnancy’ was never, ever, not for one second something I even considered- but wishing God would end it for me— well.

I was so blind. So blind. Because I could see no light at the end of our tunnel, I thought there was only darkness ahead. But I could not see the light because I had lived too long in darkness and my eyes were not accustomed to seeing things through faith. I was a Christian. I believed. I loved my Heavenly Father. But I did not yet have enough faith to comfort me in what I foolishly thought was a fiery trial.”

Et Tu: How I Became Pro-Life.

I got lured into one of the oldest, biggest, most tempting lies in human history: to dehumanize the enemy. Babies had become the enemy because of their tendencies to pop up and ruin everything; and just as societies are tempted to dehumanize the fellow human beings who are on the other side of the lines in wartime, so had I, and we as a society, dehumanized the enemy of sex.

It was when I was reading up on the Catholic Church’s view of sex, marriage and contraception that everything changed.”

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