To This Great Stage of Fools: Born July 6th

Mignon Good Eberhart, b. 1899. A contemporary of Agatha Christie, Eberhart wrote romantic suspense and mystery stories. Girl Detective writes about Eberhart and her books here.

Nancy Reagan, b. 1921.

George W. Bush, b. 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut. Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

Cheryl Harness, b.1951. Author and illustrator of many children’s biographies and books about American historical events, including Three Young Pilgrims, Young John Quincy, Young Abe Lincoln, and The Remarkable Benjamin Franklin. These are beautifully illustrated books, and Ms. Harness tells a good story, too.

Also, on this date in 1415 Bohemian reformer John Hus was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake. He was a follower of John Wycliffe and promoted Wycliffe’s ideas in what is now the Czech Republic. John Hus refused to recant his teachings with the words: “God is my witness that I have never taught that of which I have been accused by false witnesses. In the truth of the Gospel which I have written, taught, and preached I will die to-day with gladness.”
Hus is believed to have been born on or around July 6, 1369.

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