What we’re reading . . .

Eldest Daughter: Shakespeare’s Sonnets She wants to know why some of the sonnets seem to be written to a man? I don’t really want to get into that controversy!
Number One Son: Nothing. He says, in a house FULL of books, that there’s “nothing to read.” What would you recommend for a 17 year old boy who likes John Grisham, Stephen Lawhead, and computers?
Dancer Daughter: Beauty by Robin McKinley A retelling of Beauty and the Beast.
Third Daughter: Dear America books. A series of books about girls living at different times in American history. The books are written in first person as journal or diary entries.
Brown Bear Daughter: Meet the Austins by Madeleine L’Engle
Karate Kid: Cam Jansen mysteries
Curly Redhead: Berenstain Bears: The Bear Detectives (These annoy me, but her sister checked it out for her at the library.)
Z-baby: Play With Me by Marie Hall Ets

2 thoughts on “What we’re reading . . .

  1. You asked, “Number One Son: Nothing. He says, in a house FULL of books, that there’s “nothing to read.” What would you recommend for a 17 year old boy who likes John Grisham, Stephen Lawhead, and computers?”

    I, Robot
    (Isaac Asimov)

    Childhood’s End
    (Arthur C. Clarke)

    Ender’s Game and Ender’s Shadow and all of the the books that follow
    The Alvin Maker series
    (Orson Scott Card)

    Digital Fortress
    (Dan Brown)

    (Michael Crichton)

    The Cobra Event
    (Richard Preston)

    The Space Merchants
    (– Pohl)

    Many of Richard North Patterson’s books actually far outstrip Grisham. Has he tried those?

    And if he enjoyed Lawhead’s Arthur books, I’d suggest the Mary Stewart Arthur tales, beginning with The Crystal Cave.

    Hope something here interests him. Best regards.

  2. Ahhh, Beauty, one of my all time favorite books, and I am pleased to see is one of my dd’s all time favorites as well.



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