Friday’s Center of the Blogosphere

Cindy Swanson has a post on cutting, the practice of self-abuse that is prevalent among mostly teenage girls in some circles. I didn’t even know that this sad, self-abusive pattern even existed until a few years ago when a friend of one of the urchins admitted that she “cuts”. If this is a problem for you or for one of your loved ones, Cindy offers some hope.

Today at the Mission on God and creation: “The creation story tells me that God is present in our world in ways that are simply beyond our knowing – as scientists or religionists or anything else. The first chapter of Genesis tells me that God created a place where he could connect with people like you, and people like me, and we could all, you know, hang out together. Why? Because God is love and, forgive me if I’m wrong, but maybe love needs to express itself, longs to express itself, exists to be expressed, in the creation of a world with its own solar system; in the creation of a hot meal for a homeless guy who, cold and wet, sits at the dinner table in tears; in the creation of the smile on a little girl’s face as she heads out the door with her cookies; in the warm, safe beds at the shelter: in the coffee shop where a guy who hasn’t been on staff for over two years continues to meet with a former client.”

Kevin Stilley makes the case for Mike Huckabee as the best possible Republican presidential nominee in 2008: “The irony is that there is really only one candidate in the current field of Republican contenders who all Republicans would be willing to eventually invest their trust and support in the general election; and that candidate is receiving little attention, — Mike Huckabee.”

Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer reveals her struggle with panic attacks: “I spent my days huddled in a ball of anguish, feeling the waves of despair and panic wash over me, again and again. I wanted, with all my heart, to die, and I thought about it constantly. And to anyone who would listen, I would say, ‘This shouldn’t be happening to me. There’s no reason for me to feel like this,’ as though if I said it often enough, it would all go away.”

One thought on “Friday’s Center of the Blogosphere

  1. Thanks so much for the link! This is indeed a serious topic…a practice that’s much more common than we may think, even among Christians. Thankfully, there is hope in Christ.

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