LOST Rehash: D.O.C., or Dead or CompletelyDead

What does D.O.C. stand for? I must be acronym-impaired.
There wasn’t any time for literary references in this episode. It was an action packed hour.

My Like list: Hurley‘s still Numero Uno. “Oops!” he said when he shot off the flare. He knew they needed help, and he knew excatly what he was doing to summon some help. And did he try to use the phone to call his mom?
Desmond also knew what had to be done and did it. Promise the guy whatever he wants to get medical attention for Miss Multilingual Parachutist. And he told Charlie the truth, “You’ve killed more of Them than have have of you.” How many Others have the Losties killed (not counting Mr. Eyepatch Mikhail)? Ethan, What’s His Name from the Pit that Ana Lucia killed, the lady that Sun shot, and Whosit that they killed while escaping from the little island. Is that all? Anyway, Desmond’s right; they need to keep their word, not go around gauging out eyes. Bad Charlie!
Sun is a fine lady —even if she does come from a Korean Mafia family. She knows that you should never pay blackmail —unless it’s your mother-in-law that’s doing the blackmailing. And then you tell her to be satisfied with the $100.000 or else your Mafia daddy will get her. Are there any good dads in this story? Are there any good moms? Good parents at all?
Jin: Did you see those martial arts moves? Jin has the skills to be running this island, but unfortunately he can’t effectively communicate with anyone except his wife.

Bad List: Sun’s right. Jack is acting strange(ly). Charlie is also acting strangely. Maybe he thinks he’s going to die any minute, and it’s making him a little jumpy. It would make me a little nervous. Still, he needs to settle down and quit talking about poking someone’s eye out.
Mikhail does not seem like a nice guy to me. Ben indicated that he was trigger-happy, and he’s a phone thief, too. How did he come back from the dead? Didn’t Kate or Locke or someone check to see if he was really dead?

Ambivalent List: Juliet looked truthfully happy (not fake, smarmy happy) when she and Sun saw the baby on the ultrasound. What kind of samples is she getting from the other women? Pregnancy test samples? Or the samples they took from Walt? Didn’t they? So she hates Ben? That’s a point in her favor.
Kate is too clean and well-groomed to be living on an island. And I’m tired of her ambivalence, so I’m ambivalent about her—even though she didn’t have much to do in this episode.

I’m reading elsewhere that the Purgatory Theory is back in full force in light of the final revelation at the end of the show that the LOST guys were really lost, or rather dead. So did they recover any bodies because it seems to me that the only people who stay dead on this island are those whose bodies are actually buried in the ground?
Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer: “And Then There Are the Days When a Strange Woman Parachutes Out of the Sky To Tell You That You Are, In Fact, Dead.”

The Thinklings: De liveblogging the episode with pertinent comments.

2 thoughts on “LOST Rehash: D.O.C., or Dead or CompletelyDead

  1. DOC stands for Date of Conception.

    And I agree with you completely about Hurley! I love him — in my book, he’s the hero of the show. Forget about Jack or any of the rest of them. 😉

  2. Sherry, do you ever check out the “Lost” comments on the USA Today Pop Candy blog? It’s a must stop for me on Thursdays. You’ll find every wacky theory there, but a lot of interesting comments too.

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