Not Just a Political Statement

This is not just a political statement by a guy who happens to believe that he should be elected vice-president. It’s a religious statement. The government cannot, and should not try to, provide for all our needs and wants. Jesus said, “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” That truth is two-fold:

First of all, we will never be completely want-free, totally satisfied, without any problems or needs, here on this earth. We live in a sin-marred, incomplete, imperfect world, and no government instituted among men, by men, can change that fact. The purpose of government is to “provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” We can argue about the lines that limit government in those basic duties, but any government or politician who promises the moon and everything in between is over-stepping his or her boundaries and responsibilities and giving out empty promises.

Secondly, freedom, adventure, and security are found only in Christ. Neither the Republican Party nor the Democrat Party nor Congress nor the President nor any other person or institution in all creation can provide us with true freedom, true joy, and true peace of mind. Those things are found only in Christ, imperfectly and partially here, perfectly and completely when we see Him face to face. If we are not free to pursue Christ and obey Him as the Holy Spirit guides us, then we are not free at all, no matter how we are blessed materially.

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