Thanksgiving Center of the Blogosphere

Random thoughts of gratitude from the Queen of the Beehive. “I’m thankful for . . . the miracle of water that can boil, freeze, fill human cells, ripple, trickle and crash, steam, make creation bloom, obey God’s voice, make things clean, form vapor, steam and snowflakes, make earth inhabitable, and wave for the moon.”

Barbara Curtis (Mommy Life) is giving thanks for all she never had. “I’m grateful for the stability I never had. Divorce, foster homes, frequent moves and family separations were hard on me as a little girl, but blessed me with resiliency and endurance. They also make me appreciate the family Tripp and I have built and the roots we’ve put down now.”

Ariel at Bittersweet Life says that gratitude requires an Object, a Person to whom we give thanks. “Gratitude requires a personal object—and if thankfulness is to be deep and enduring, it must be pinned to Someone better than a changeful, error-prone human friend, good intentions aside.”

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