1922: Events and Inventions

February 28, 1922. The United Kingdom ends its protectorate over Egypt, giving Egypt the gift of limited self-rule and independence, but there are significant limitations. Britain still reserves the rights to supervise the Egyptian military, communications, and foreign relations.

'King Tut Statue' photo (c) 2007, Jon Parise - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/March 11, 1922. Mohandas Gandhi is arrested in Bombay for sedition. He is sentenced to six years imprisonment. Gandhi’s program of “non-cooperation” with the British government and the boycott of British goods is having some limited success in at least getting British attention for the nationalist movement.

June, 1922. U.S. scientists claim that the sun produces Vitamin D in the body, a vitamin that prevents the disease rickets.

June 28, 1922. The Irish Civil War begins. The two sides in the conflict are the forces of the Provisional Government that established the Irish Free State in December 1922, who supported the Anglo-Irish Treaty, and the Republican opposition (the IRA, Irish Republican Army), for whom the Treaty represented a betrayal of the Irish Republic. The war was won by the Free State forces.

August 23, 1922. Turkey attacks Greece in an attempt to recover land lost during World War I.

'Italian fascist troops' photo (c) 2008, nick1915 - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/August, 1922. Hyperinflation in Germany means that 7000 German marks are now needed to buy a single American dollar.

September, 1922. U.S. pilot James Doolittle makes the first coast-to-coast flight across the United States from Florida to California, taking less than 24 hours to complete the journey.

October 28-30, 1922. 30,000 Fascist black-shirted followers of Il Duce, Benito Mussolini, march on Rome in a demonstration of Fascist strength. King Victor Emmanuel, fearing a civil war, sends for Mussolini and asks him to take up the office of prime minister. Mussolini is now in a position to take over the Italian government as dictator and supreme leader of Italy. In November, Mussolini will be granted absolute power for the period of one year by the Italian government.

November 1, 1922. The Ottoman Empire is abolished and its last sultan Mehmed VI Vahdettin abdicates. Later in the month, the former sultan leaves for exile in Italy.

November 26, 1922. Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon become the first people to enter the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in over 3,000 years.

December 30, 1922. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Transcaucasia come together to form the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

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