Jared’s Meme

1. Have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? Who?
Never. There’s a reason I don’t put a picture of myself on my blog. 🙂 No, really, I don’t mind my looks, but I’m afraid after all this time of no picture, I’d disappoint anyone who was wondering what I look like. It’s always better to keep people guessing.

2. If different from above, who should play you in a movie of your life?
I chose Emma Thompson. No, I’m not nearly as pretty as she is, but who said my bio-pic had to be true-to-life?

3. What movie character do you most identify with?
Napoleon Dynamite. I, too, have skills.

4. What literary character do you most identify with?
David Copperfield or Charlie Brown.

5. What musician or vocal artist do you most identify with?
This question is a stumper. Kris Kristofferson? Sort of second tier, and although we can carry a tune, neither of us can really sing. Don’t tell him I said so. (Kris Kristofferson’s official website says he’s “a legend.” What do I know?)

6. What biblical figure do you most identify with?
Rebekah. I’m married to a wonderful man, after a whirlwind courtship, and I can be a bit underhanded and conniving if I don’t watch myself and pray to be delivered from temptation. I don’t think I play favorites among my children, though.

7. What animal best represents you?
A sloth? No, maybe a nice mama bear who moves rather slowly and likes to hibernate for at least part of the year. I only become aroused if you threaten my cubs.

8. What meal or dish best represents you?
Tex-Mex. I’d like to be spicy and and a bit wild and foreign, but I must admit that I’ve been tamed and toned down and Americanized.

9. What drink best represents you?
Vanilla coke. Plain, but fizzy, with a little bit of flavor added.

10. What shirt, dress, outfit, or other piece of apparel most reflects who you are?
When I was in junior high, my heart’s desire was to have a purple pantsuit. I still have fond memories of the purple (double knit) pantsuit that I received for my birthday, and I think if such a thing were available nowadays in my size I would wear it. I guess I’m just a 70’s, purple pantsuit sort of girl.
I also feel very wild and gypsy-like in my red broomstick skirt!

If you’d like to play, feel welcome. You can answer here in the comments or at your own blog. Let me know if you play. I stole the questions from Jared at Thinklings about a month ago. I’m just now getting around to finishing my answers. Hey, I’m a bear, slow but sure–with gypsy aspirations.

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