1907: Events and Inventions

January, 1907. At a lavish ceremony, Mohammed Ali Mirza is crowned Shah of Persia in the Royal Palace of Tehran.

February 13, 1907. Suffragettes storm the Houses of Parliament in London to hand a petition to the British government asking them to extend the right to vote to women. Emmeline Pankhurst, founder of the Women’s Social and Political Union (WPSU), and her four daughters are leaders in the women’s suffrage movement in Britain.

March 22, 1907. Indian-born lawyer Mohandas Ghandi begins protest movement in South Africa against the Transvaal government’s Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance Bill, a law which would require all Indian resident in South Africa register with the police and get a certificate that would have to be carried with them at all times.

June 1907. The Lumiere brothers in Paris, France claim a breakthrough in developing color photography.

June, 1907. In Russia, the Czar dissolves the second Duma or parliament, accusing some representatives of treason.

'[Speidergutt] / [Boy Scout]' photo (c) 2011, Nasjonalbiblioteket - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/June-October, 1907. The Second Hague Peace Conference meets to try to limit arms and establish rules for just warfare.

July 19, 1907. Riots break out in Seoul, Korea when the Japanese, who call Korea their “Protectorate”, force Korean Emperor Gojong to give up his imperial authority and appoint the Crown Prince as regent. The Japan–Korea Treaty of 1907, signed on July 24, 1907, forces Korea and its government to obey the appointed Japanese resident general.

July 29, 1907. Boer War veteran Sir Robert Baden-Powell officially sets up the Boy Scout organization in London for the purpose of introducing British boys to the disciplines and skill that he learned in the army.

September 6, 1907. The British ocean liner, Lusitania, makes her maiden voyage from Ireland to New Jersey, the fastest ever crossing of the Atlantic in five days and fifty-four minutes.

September 26, 1907. New Zealand becomes an independent Dominion within the British Empire. In 1893, while still under British rule, New Zealand was the first country in the world to give women the right to vote.

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