Sunday Salon: Literary Links and Homeschool Hitches

This week Christian Audio announced that Wendell Berry’s novel Hannah Coulter will be its free download for August. Here’s Russell Moore on why you should read (or listen to) Hannah Coulter.

Unschoolers learn what they want, when they want by Jacque Wilson. I actually like the idea of unschooling, but I’m a chicken and afraid that my children would want to learn: nothing.

Josephine Tey/Gordon Daviot/Elizabeth MacKintosh —whatever her name, she wrote some fine books. My favorites are: Daughter of Time and The Franchise Affair.

Summer camp for bookish kids. Now this is the kind of summer camp I could still enjoy even at my age.

2 thoughts on “Sunday Salon: Literary Links and Homeschool Hitches

  1. Isn’t it funny how you hear something in one place and the next day—the very next day—you see the same person/book/item referenced?

    My friend in Zambia sent me an email and recommended Josephine Tey to me, more because of how she writes about Scottish culture than for the mystery. Josephine Tey’s name shows up on every mystery writer list, but I hadn’t ever gone beyond name recognition. Because my friend recommended it, I ordered The Singing Sands and it arrived in the mail today!

    Sherry, I realize that The Singing Sands is her last book. Do you recommend I wait and start with the first Alan Grant book or just dive into this one?

    Great links on the Salon!

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