Works-For-Me Wednesday: Friday Night Movie Night

Curly Top

One of our family traditions is Friday night movies and pizza. We try not to watch much TV or videos during the week, but on Friday the kids (and parents) may watch a movie, eat pizza, and, best of all, sleep in the living room! I don’t usually sleep in the living room, but Engineer Husband is such a good daddy that he’s been sleeping in the living room on the floor with four or five or six urchins on Friday nights for the past ten or twelve years.

“Friday night is movie night” works for me because it limits the movie time to one night a week. It also creates a family time for movies, and we have to try to pick out movies that the entire family, ages four to fifty, will enjoy together. We haven’t chosen a movie for this Friday. Any suggestions?

Semicolon’s 105 Best Movies of All Time

For more Works-for-me-Wednesday ideas, visit Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer.

14 thoughts on “Works-For-Me Wednesday: Friday Night Movie Night

  1. Babe; Hoodwinked; Mary Poppins; Nanny McPhee; Flywheel;The Magnificent Seven; Narnia – all come to mind as being movies we have often watched together (and we appear to have the same age-span as your family).

  2. Oooohhh, we like The Neverending Story, The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, The Fox and the Hound, and Charlotte’s Web. I love all the old Shilrley Temple movies as well. We’ve started calling my step-daugter Curly Top….and she has a very Shirley Temple look!

    I like movie nights as well! We don’t watch a lot of television either…so the limit is good. I don’t know if I could sleep in the living room though…but my kids would prolly go for that!

  3. We really liked Nanny McPhee, too… I love Friday family movie night! If you have easy access to classic movies, the original version of Cheaper By The Dozen (with Myrna Loy!) is a lot of fun.

  4. Winn-Dixie, any of the older Pixar movies (Bugs Life, Monsters Inc, Toy Story 1 or 2). I’ve heard Eight Below is great, we liked Good Boy, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Julie Andrews musicals. . . .

  5. We do this too! (And add pizza to the mix so I’m only making it one night a week instead of every other night like my husband and girls would probably prefer!) 🙂

  6. Though it has a few scary moments, “Legend” with a very young Tom Cruise, Tim Curry, and Mia Sara is really a beautiful film!

    Anything with Temple. And why not “Bringing Up Baby”, with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn?

  7. We have a Family Movie Night every Friday too! We fix up “finger foods” like popcorn chicken, mozzarella sticks, grapes, etc. and eat in the living room while we watch a movie that we will all enjoy. The last one we saw was “Eight Below” and we loved it (although I did cry like a baby!).

  8. Great idea! And I love the sleep-over with Dad, too. We still do sleep-overs, the kids and I, which usually involve a movie, but I’m thinking one movie night per week sounds really good!

  9. This is one of our longstanding traditions too! Pizza *every* Friday (usually homemade); movies until late; and kids often camp out in the living room, though Hubby and I occasionally send them to bed at 11 and curl up together on the couch staying up insanely late to watch something w/o them.

  10. I’m a little late to the game, but have you seen any of the Buster Keaton silent films? They are a favorite of ours. Hysterically funny.

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