NOT a Cat Blog

I meander around quite a bit as far as subject matter on this blog –books, homeschooling, mommy-stuff, even some politics–but I have never cat-blogged before. I don’t even like animals very much, a fact which I have confessed and for which I have received absolution. I told all eight of my urchins that they could have pets when they had their own homes; I have enough to do cleaning up after myself, Engineer Husband, and eight children.

However, despite my protests, we now have a kitten. A kindly relative discovered the abandoned kitten in the tall grass beside our house, and the four children that make up my younger set are beside themselves with joy. The older set are pleased, too. I’m resigned.

All that to say, we have a kitten. And we need your help. Have you ever had seven children (Eldest Daughter is still in France) try to agree on a name for a kitten? It’s not a pretty sight. After a day and a half, we’re still arguing. The vote is tied at two votes per name; Z-baby’s vote doesn’t count because she keeps switching. So I’m soliciting your votes. Which of these names should we give to our new kitten? By the way, he’s a boy.

1. Super Ultimate Laser Cat Extreme, Sulky for short. Computer Guru Son thought of this one and managed to get his brother Karate Kid committed to that name as the ultimate in Cool.

2. Smike. Dancer Daughter and Organizer Daughter are performing in a play of Nicholas Nickleby next weekend. Smike is one of the characters in Nicholas Nickleby.

3. Taiwan. I don’t know where this one came from. Maybe he looks vaguely Chinese?

So vote. Vote early and often. Vote for one of these three names. Don’t give us any other suggestions. There’s enough cat confusion around here as it is.

Oh, and this is your last cat blog post for 2006. Regular blogging will resume soon.

11 thoughts on “NOT a Cat Blog

  1. I vote for Sulky. Mostly because when my family’s dog had puppies (I was 19 but home visiting when this happened), the one that lived got named Pretzel Joe and was called PJ. So I think kids like the whole long name but nicknamed idea – thus Super Ultimate Laser Cat Extreme, otherwise known as Sulky. 🙂

  2. I like Smike best. It’s literary, and it sounds a little like “Smile,” which is what kittens make us do. I’m so glad you have a little kitten and hope that, despite your statements above, you’ll post cat pictures from time to time. (Of course, I am a hopeless Cat Person!)

  3. Taiwan is a good and unusual name for a cat. Understanding, of course, that eventually you all will call the kitty ~ Ty . Our cats are Pickles, Harley, and James … and yes, they end up in my blog, and no, they are not mine, but my daughters, and James sits on the computer desk while his *pet*, my daughter Madam Blueberry, is typing ….

  4. I’m (still) reading Nicholas Nickleby, so I must vote for Smike. I agree with Diane. It is the PERFECT name for an abandoned cat.

    But since we named our dog Digory from The Magician’s Nephew, I kind of have a soft spot for literary names.

  5. Hi this is Miriam! Does my vote count if I post it on this blog? Please!

    Because Smike is a perfect name our itty-bitty kitty!

  6. Taiwan or the Sulky one…I don’t actually like the abbreviation, but I like the long version – definitely cool (I have an 11-year-old son). Just not Smike. I agree with commenter #7. Even though I recently saw the NN movie recently.

  7. I’m partial to Smike myself, but that might have something to do with having bequeathed six of the seven kittens abandoned at the end of our driveway after characters from Pride and Prejudice. The seventh, whom we were going to call “Lizzy” ended up being a male, so we opted for “Henry” after the prince in Ever After, a movie we had watched earlier that night.

    We still have Bennet, Wickham, and Mister Darcy. 😉

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