My Semicolon Tote from Simply Bags

IMG_2081 Personalized tote bags.

I don’t usually advertise here at Semicolon (aside from a few links to Amazon), but the folks at Simply Bags offered me a free tote with the name of my blog embroidered on it in return for a mention and a link here at the blog. I couldn’t resist when I saw pictures of the bags, and when I got mine in the mail I immediately transferred all of my stuff (I carry lots of stuff) to the new bag and began to use it daily.

I love it. It’s beautiful and roomy. I can carry books, notebooks, my smaller clutch purse, keys, papers, my Kindle, writing utensils, brochures, my Bible, my iPhone, and . . . well, you get the idea. I do carry a lot of things around with me. You never know when you might need a pair of nail clippers or a magazine or a green highlighter or a nametag from our homeschool co-op–yes, all things I found just now inside my lovely bag. I’ve been carrying the bag for about three weeks now, and nothing seems strained or frayed, so I’m pleased. Did I mention that I carry a lot of stuff, including two or three books, with me wherever I go?

A bag like mine costs $29.95 at Simply Bags with the word(s) of your choice embroidered on the side. There are many, many other styles and colors of bags available at the website of this family owned and operated company, and if you like what you see I encourage you to check it out.

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