BBAW: Forgotten Treasure

Sure we’ve all read about Freedom and Mockingjay but we likely have a book we wish would get more attention by book bloggers, whether it’s a forgotten classic or under marketed contemporary fiction. This is your chance to tell the community why they should consider reading this book!

I have so many forgotten treasures on my bookshelves that I don’t even know where to start. In fact, I’ve written on this subject before.

Under the Radar: An Adult Fiction Trio. Don Camillo, Andrea Orsini, and Rima the Bird Girl: if you don’t recognize the names of these fictional characters, you should. They’re all fascinating characters from popular fiction of the past.

Under the Radar: Christian Fiction. “Christian fiction” has gotten a bad rap, partially deserved. Some so-called “Christian fiction” (just like some YA fiction and some post-modern fiction) is nothing more than a bad sermon disguised as an even worse story. However, some of the fiction published by Christian publishing houses is not only exemplary and literary, but also just good reading.

Madeleine L’Engle. I don’t know if Ms. L’Engle is under-appreciated or not. But my favorite of her books, The Love Letters, is out of print. Even so, I’ve managed to get a few bloggers to read it. Maybe you would enjoy this story of failed promises and redemptive love. Check out the discussion at Amy’s review, Deanna’s thoughts, and Carrie’s journal.

Lin Yutang’s The Importance of Living was a bestseller in its day (1937), but it’s out of print and forgotten nowadays. If you enjoy light-hearted essays from a Chinses American perspective, you’ll love Mr. Lin’s book. It’s an antidote for those who take themselves too seriously.

Finally, if you’re still searching for more treasure, my unfinished list of the 100 Best Fiction Books of all time is a great resource. Claim a treasure and please be sure that if you do, you come back and tell me about it. We all like to know what treasure troves we’ve unlocked for other readers.

5 thoughts on “BBAW: Forgotten Treasure

  1. I think L’Engle is forgotten as well. I love her adult fiction, and want to go back and read some more of it, and I have A Small Rain on my bookshelf right now (which I’ve never read, but want to).

    A friend just passed Dickson’s Winter Haven on to me, so I’m going to have to read it too now!!

    There’s another Bethany House male author who I really enjoyed. I can’t remember his name, but I read his book a couple of years ago about a father and a teen son who liked rock climbing. It was really good.

    (FYI your Captcha wants me to use an umlot (sp?) I think I’m going for another word)

  2. And Both Were Young, Madeline L’Engles rather sweet YA boarding school book, has just been republished….and When You Reach Me might help spark a L’Engle revival too, what with its plug for Wrinkle in Time.

    My favorite one to re-read is A Severed Wasp…I’m not quite sure why, but I find it very satisfying.

  3. I think I need to read The Importance of Living–I frequently DO take myself and life too seriously! My favorite Christian fiction author is Jamie Langston Turner. I agree that L’Engle is a treasure! I have one of hers (A Circle of Quiet, maybe?) waiting on my nightstand. Thanks for the link to my review of Love Letters. Here’s a link to the same review at my new blog address. I actually moderate the comments here—>

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