Tagged Again

I’ve been tagged again, this time by Norma at Collecting My Thoughts, a great blog to visit by the way. Librarians, especially retired librarians, just have more fun.

The question/meme is: What are the first five things you want to ask Jesus when you get to heaven?

I was about to answer when I realized that I don’t have any questions. Or actually I have lots of questions, but will I understand any of the answers better in heaven than I would understand them here and now? So that’s my first question.

Assuming that one is answered in the affirmative, I would love to really understand predestination and election and free will and all that whole paradox.

Then I’d like to know: what are we all here in heaven for? How are we going to go about worshipping God and enjoying Him forever? What’s the plan?

Is there a library?

Oh, and can I understand eternity, too? That might take us circling back to question number two.

That’s five. But If I understand eternity at all, then there are no limits. So I can sit at Jesus’ feet like Mary did and ask as many questions as my glorified brain will hold.

Oh, I almost forgot. I tag the urchins again. None of them has done the “four questions” meme. I wonder if they even know we’re talking about them behind their backs.

2 thoughts on “Tagged Again

  1. Oh, Sherry, you should definitely read “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. He has some interesting answers to your questions, and biblically based. After reading that book, I am looking forward to Heaven in a totally different, much bigger way. (Hmmm, were there enough adverbs in that comment? :P)

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