Four Meme

I know some of you out there don’t like memes, and I can understand the feeling. However, I must admit, even if it makes me seem juvenile and unsophisticated, I like being “tagged.” I feel complimented that Phil at Brandywine Books asked me to participate in this meme. It’s sort of like being picked to be on the team.

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. The Princess Bride
2. Henry V
3. Lord of the Rings
4. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Semicolon’s 105 Best Movies of All Time

4 Places You Have Lived: I’m a Texas girl. I’ve never really lived anywhere else, aside from one summer spent in Oklahoma City, and I doubt that really counts. I once told Engineer Husband that I’d live anywhere in Texas he wanted to live–except Houston. We both laughed and agreed, “Why would anyone want to go to Houston?” So that’s where I’ve been living for the last twenty years. Lesson: Be careful what you laugh about.
1. San Angelo,TX
2. Abilene, TX
3. Austin, TX
4. Houston, TX

4 TV Shows You Love To Watch
2. Monk (on DVD)
That’s it. The urchins watch PBS.

4 Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. Houston. Our first family vacation when I was a young teenager was to come to Houston and go to Astroworld.
2. Colorado. Our second family vacation was a trip to Colorado to see Pike’s Peak and Royal Gorge. Are they both still there?
3. Monterrey, Mexico.
4. Shakespeare at Winedale

4 Websites You Visit Daily
1. Mental Multivitamin
2. Brandywine Books
3. LibraryThing
4. Bloglines

4 Of Your Favorite Foods: I could pretend to be healthy and wise, or I could be honest.
1. Sugar
2. Chocolate
3. Lime coke
4. Thin mint Girl Scout cookies

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1. London
2. Paris
3. Rome
4. Madrid

4 Bloggers You are Tagging: I usually tag my urchins to see if they’re reading my blog (probably not) and to see what’s going on in their heads. Sometimes one, of the four who have a blog, responds.
1. Eldest Daughter
2. Dancer Daughter
3. Organizer Daughter
4. Computer Guru Son

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