Summer Plans

A friend of mine posted this message on her Facebook:

So, am I the only one who starts EVERY summer with big plans that seem to disappear into thin air? This year I am dreaming of sorting and organizing so that I will have a stress free and wonderous school year, funny thing, I had this same plan last summer and the last and……..

My reply:

My kids laugh at my grand plans–for the summer, for the school year, whenever. However, when I have plans I at least get something done; when I don’t nothing happens at all.

I have Friday field trips planned for the younger set. We’re doing a modified version of school, at the very least math and reading every day. I want my Brown Bear Daughter who attended public school this past year, to learn some things at home that she’s not getting at school. Engineer Husband wants to go to South Dakota for a wedding and to Indiana to visit Eldest Daughter. I would love to get my house clean, preferably by magical means (fairies in the night, perhaps?). Of course, I plan to read a lot.

So, what about you all? Do you have grand plans for the summer?

4 thoughts on “Summer Plans

  1. All my grand planning goes into the summer reading program at the library. My own plans don’t have anything more exciting than trips to the zoo…maybe to the local renfaire with another librarian friend…and lots of re-reading mysteries. I’ve never been a big summer plan person – I hate the heat. Now fall, that’s a whole different thing…in the fall I plan LOTS of trips to the zoo!

  2. I plan to have a baby, and soon. 🙂

    Then I plan to try to get us all on some sort of organized schedule that will permit us to actually accomplish school. 🙂

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