Trivial Pursuits

I heard Hugh Hewitt going on (and on) about this yesterday, but I really didn’t believe it. With all the issues facing our country and the world, Senate Majority Leader Frist says that the Senate’s first priority when they return in January is . . . asbestos legislation, establishing a fund to compensate victims of asbestos exposure.

“Asbestos reform will be the first major piece of legislation that we consider in late January when we return,” Frist announced as the Senate began winding down its 2005 legislative session.

Specter, in a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said more than 80 companies have declared bankruptcy because of asbestos-related lawsuits. “Of all of the items which could provide an economic stimulus to the U.S. economy, I think asbestos reform would be the most important,” he said. USA Today

What?? I’m sure that those who were exposed to asbestos about half a hundred years ago when it was still used commonly in buildings are very concerned about this bill. I’m sure the manufacturers and builders who would be protected from lawsuits by this bill are concerned. But The Most Important Economic Stimulus to the US Economy? The First Priority in January? What happened to Social Security reform? Or will an asbestos fund take all those baby boomer retirees off the Social Security rolls and make the system solvent again? Is the war in Iraq over, and is Iraq now a stable ally and a democracy? Is the US budget balanced–with a little left over to compensate asbestos victims? Did I fail to notice that Judge Alito has been confirmed to the Supreme Court? Are the borders secure? Are all the terrorists dead or captured? Are the economic effects of three hurricanes and several tornadoes all somehow tied to asbestos? Has some generous soul donated a few million (or is it billion) to the US government for the purpose of caring for those who are sick as a result of asbestos exposure?

In that case, sure, asbestos is definitely the top thing on my agenda, too.

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