
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

So preached Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758):

And now you have an extraordinary opportunity, a day wherein Christ has thrown the door of mercy wide open, and stands in it calling and crying with a loud voice to poor sinners; a day wherein many are flocking to him, and pressing into the kingdom of God. Many are daily coming from the east, west, north and south; many that were very lately in the same miserable condition that you are in, are now in a happy state, with their hearts filled with love to him who has loved them, and washed them from their sins in his own blood, and rejoicing in hope of the glory of God. How awful is it to be left behind at such a day! To see so many others feasting, while you are pining and perishing! To see so many rejoicing and singing for joy of heart, while you have cause to mourn for sorrow of heart, and howl for vexation of spirit! How can you rest one moment in such a condition? Are not your souls as precious as the souls of the people at Suffield, where they are flocking from day to day to Christ?

Reader, you, too are given this opportunity to give yourself to Him now. How can you rest until you do?

And again–from a liberal East coast perspective

From an article at Tech Central Station by James Pinkerton:

. . . demography is destiny. To put it bluntly, in the name of “empowerment,” the Left has birth-controlled, aborted, and maybe also gay-libbed itself into a smaller role in American society. Yes, it was their personal-is-political choice, but others will benefit politically.

Nearly four decades after the sit-ins of the 60s, ex-radicals are more likely to be staging die-offs — their own. And oh yes, they forgot to have children. The future belongs to the fecund.

So what should pro-choice America do?
Answer: if you can’t breed ’em, you gotta persuade ’em. That is, if the conservatives are cranking out kids, then the liberals have to gotta grab a certain percentage of them and adjust their thinking.

Teach your children well–or the liberal boogie-men will get them. Recruitment is the only substitute for reproduction.

Who said it?

Which presidential candidate’s foreign policy does this sound most like?

“We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analyzing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will. I cannot believe that such a program would be rejected by the people of this country, even if it does mean the establishment of personal contact with the dictators.”

“It has always seemed to me that in dealing with foreign countries we do not give ourselves a chance of success unless we try to understand their mentality, which is not always the same as our own.”

These quotations are from neither of our two presidential candidates but rather from a famous English leader. I’ll give you a hint. I got the idea for this post from Thomas Sowell’s latest column (dated August 26, 2004).

Being Adults in a Post-September 11th World

The unifying theme of their (Democrats’) otherwise contradictory messages is that we can return to the infantile delusions of September 10, and not the crisis-filled adult world of post-September 11 that now confronts George W. Bush.

I got this quote from Victor David Hanson via Worldmag blog. The quote is the final sentence of an article in the August 6th National Review entitled A Return to Childhood. I agree with everything Hanson says, and I have something to add to his argument. Not only are those who are listening to the Democrats and who plan to vote for John Kerry falling for a siren song of false security, but also those third -party utopians who plan to throw away their votes in a meaningless gesture instead of voting for an imperfect candidate who might have the will to win this war in which we are engaged, those third party voters are deluded. Peggy Noonan, in the column I wrote about yesterday, says,
Because I am a conservative I support the party that best represents conservative views, the Republican Party. Sometimes I get mad at it; often it disappoints me. It is imperfect, and not perfectible. But to a greater degree than in the past I feel an urge to help it. Since peace was wrenched off the tracks on 9/11, deep in my heart I have pulled for President Bush, Vice President Cheney, members of the current administration, and Republicans in the Senate and the House. With the decline of the Democratic Party I have become convinced there is a greater chance we will win the war if the Republican Party wins the election.
This is the way adults think. There are no perfect political parties, no ideal political candidates. I will never find a political candidate who will agree with me on everything, and in this post 9/11 world we do not have the luxury of voting for someone who sounds more Christian or more conservative than GWB and thereby throwing the election to the Democrats. John Kerry doesn’t even seem to know who our enemy is; he and his supporters believe that I am the enemy of America, Bush and his right-wing, extremist, fundamentalist voting base. I do not understand this kind of thinking, and I do not understand the thinking that says because GWB is wrong on immigration or wrong on the war in Iraq or not pushing hard enough to end abortion or whatever, I will vote for Candidate X who says all the right words and has absolutely no chance of winning this election.
I believe our continued existence as a nation is at stake in this election, and I further believe that if we elect John Kerry we will pay for our mistake with “blood, sweat, and tears.” As Peggy Noonan implies, there are no guarantees. We are already in a war with Islamic terrorists around the world; the question is not how can we get out of this war? Nor is it should we be fighting this war? The question is how can we win this war and defeat these terrorists and show the world the fallacies of their evil worldview? And who can lead us as a nation to do so?

Thank You, Peggy Noonan

I just read Peggy Noonan’s most recent column in the Wall Street Journal. She’s taking a leave of absence, without pay, in order to work fulltime as a volunteer to help Republicans win the election this November. She doesn’t say specifically what she’ll be doing, I think at least partly because she doesn’t know exactly yet. Anyway, I’m impressed. I can’t quit my job or take a leave of absence, but I’m happy to see that someone as talented and articulate as Ms. Noonan can and will do so. Like Peggy Noonan, I believe that this election is very important and that it’s vital to the health of our nation that GW Bush win. I’ve already written something about my views on the election of GWB in this blog, and I will continue to do so off and on. And I’ll be praying for Peggy Noonan and all of us. The God who has allowed to live and vote in this country of unprecedented liberty and justice for all is allowing us another chance to choose our leaders and choose the direction of this nation for the next four years. May we make truly wise choices by the grace of that same God.

Reason #2: Why I Will Vote for GWB in November

Ok, it’s not original, but it’s still a very good reason.

Chief justice William Rehnquist–Age 78
Justice Sandra Day O’Connor–Age 73
Justice John Paul Stevens–Age 83

Conservative presidents do not have a very good record in the past 50 years of appointing true conservatives to the Supreme Court. However, liberal Democrats have a very good record of appointing liberal justices to that court. So, worst case, it’s a choice between a chance of getting a truly conservative Supreme Court justice or the near-certainty of getting yet another liberal appointed to the Court. And I actually believe that the words of the Constitution, although not on par with Holy Scripture, mean something. I think that the only way to change the Constitution is to amend it, not to read it as a “living document” that means anything some judge thinks it ought to mean. So I’ll be voting for GWB who might have a small chance of appointing judges to the bench who believe in interpreting the Constitution to mean what it actually says.


I found a link to this story at Moteworthy. Key quote:

”Is it possible to get rid of one of them? Or two of them?”

My immediate reaction is: I can’t believe anyone had the gall and the selfishness to tell this story to a reporter from the New York Times.
My next reaction: What is she going to tell the son who was “lucky” enough to survive and be born? “Son, you were such a wanted child. I got rid of your twin siblings so that I could focus all my time and attention on you.”
What a crazy world we live in. Father, forgive them.

Reason #1: Why I Will Vote for GWB in November

From a (entire speech here) speech by George W. Bush at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN on Jully 12;

To overcome the dangers of our time, America is also taking a new approach in the world. We’re determined to challenge new threats, not ignore them, or simply wait for future tragedy. We’re helping to build a hopeful future in hopeless places, instead of allowing troubled regions to remain in despair and explode in violence. Our goal is a lasting, democratic peace, in which free nations are free from the threat of sudden terror. Our strategy for peace has three commitments: First, we are defending the peace by taking the fight to the enemy. We will confront them overseas so we do not have to confront them here at home

Three years ago, the nation of Afghanistan was the home base of al Qaeda, a country ruled by the Taliban, one of the most backward and brutal regimes of modern history. Schooling was denied girls. Women were whipped in the streets and executed in a sports stadium. Millions lived in fear. With protection from the Taliban, al Qaeda and its associates trained, indoctrinated, and sent forth thousands of killers to set up terror cells in dozens of countries, including our own.
Today, Afghanistan is a world away from the nightmare of the Taliban. That country has a good and just President. Boys and girls are being educated. Many refugees have returned home to rebuild their country, and a presidential election is scheduled for this fall. The terror camps are closed and the Afghan government is helping us to hunt the Taliban and terrorists in remote regions. Today, because we acted to liberate Afghanistan, a threat has been removed, and the American people are safer.

Although we have not found stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, we were right to go into Iraq. We removed a declared enemy of America, who had the capability of producing weapons of mass murder, and could have passed that capability to terrorists bent on acquiring them. In the world after September the 11th, that was a risk we could not afford to take.

Does anyone believe that John Kerry would have the ability or the courage to protect the United States of America by going to war if necessary? Or would he stand by and watch helplessly and wring his hands while other nations harbored terrorists and stockpiled weapons? Even if Kerry would defend the U.S., wouldn’t the terrorists be more likely to believe that he is weak and unwilling to fight and then attack us? If George W. Bush warns another Saddam Hussein that we will not tolerate terrorists who plot to kill us and destroy our freedom, will they not believe him?