More Christmas-y Links

Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th? According to Biblical Archaeology Review, it probably has nothing at all to do with Saturnalia or any other pagan holidays.

On Mermaids and Witches: Fairy Tales and the Gospel by Karen Anderson. “I hadn’t thought too much about what these fairy tales really had to do with Christmas, but I knew there was a reason why Christmastime is when The Nutcracker is danced and magic is so effortlessly embraced. It all seems as appropriate as baking cookies. But in addition to the scholars who like fairy tales for all the wrong reasons, I have also met serious Christians who think that the magic is a cheap substitute for real faith and don’t trust the stories at all.”

Why I don’t Participate in the Christmas Wars by Chaplain Mike. “Christ’s dominion is such that pagan holidays have been gutted of their original meaning and filled with the things of Christ. So much so that the original pagan meanings have all but disappeared from our culture, and would be entirely forgotten, except for a handful of atheists who desperately try to use their origins in a pathetic attempt to delegitimize the holiday.”

All three of these articles have the same theme: Jesus is Lord. He comes in and takes over, and neither life nor death, neither angels nor demons, neither “Happy Holidays” nor “Festivus for the Rest of Us,” neither the present nor the future nor any powers, neither fairy tales nor magic, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord, the love that came down at Christmas.

Two free Christmas songs from Red Mountain Music

What St. Nicholas Actually (Probably) Looked Like.

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