Lenten Blog Break 2009

Today is Fat Tuesday, and tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. For the past two years I’ve taken a break from Semicolon and from blogging for the forty days of Lent. I’ve been blogging since October 2003, and I plan to continue blogging. I just feel that this break is a good time of rest and reevaluation for me and for my family.

I will continue to post the Saturday Review of Books each week, but I may not be able to read your reviews until after I get back in April. I also have a few posts and re-posts and links set up to come online on certain dates while I’m gone. The subject, for the most part, will be heaven, a wonderful place to think about during Lent and during this time of economic hardship for many people.

However, things will be a little slow here at Semicolon for the next few weeks. I hope your Lent is a time of worship, contemplation, and joy as we follow the year into the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, this year on Sunday April 12th.

Books for Lent to Lead You into Resurrection

Lenten Links: Resources for a Post-Evangelical Lent by iMonk.

At a Hen’s Pace: An Anglican Family Lent

Semicolon Lenten Thoughts 2005

12 thoughts on “Lenten Blog Break 2009

  1. You are stronger than me…lol
    I think I will have to pick one of my other addictions to give up for Lent.

  2. You will be missed…I check in everyday and still will. This will give me a chance to read through your archives since your blog is relatively new to me. Enjoy your break and your time with your family.

  3. Hey, sorry to see you go when I’ve just learned of your website. I have you website bookmarked and I will check back in April for new posts.

  4. Pingback: Bloggy absenteeism « Hope Is the Word

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