The Gosnell Horror: What Now?

People are becoming aware of what Dr. Kermit Gosnell did to cruelly and callously murder possibly hundreds of babies in Philadelphia and what he did in providing sub-standard, dangerous, and horribly unsanitary “health care” for abortion-seeking women. If you don’t know about this doctor and his criminal actions, here are some links to help you to become informed about this unspeakable case and the the ongoing trial that is taking place now in Philadelphia:

Who Is Kermit Gosnell?

3801 Lancaster: A Documentary about Dr. Kermit Gosnell and his Shop of Horrors.

The Grand Jury report on Dr. Gosnell

That’s what happened for years at Dr. Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society in Philadelphia. And here are some implications and conclusions that I draw from the horror that was Dr Gosnell and his accomplices:

1. The media–newspapers, television, and other outlets– cannot be trusted to tell the truth about abortion.

John Fund at National Review Online:

Indeed, the silence had been stunning since the Gosnell trial began back on March 18. No mention of the story at all on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, NPR, or MSNBC, and no front-page stories in any major paper. National Review, the Weekly Standard,, and Michelle Malkin, on the other hand, provided early and consistent coverage.

Conservative, liberal, or in-between, please do not depend on one or two sources that agree with your point of view for all of your news and opinions. First of all, reporters are just as fallible as the rest of us. They have their own blind spots, and sometimes they actually make choices that are just wrong, such as the choice not to cover this trial in all its horror and with all of its disturbing implications. If I only listen to or read conservative news sources, I am just as likely to miss important issues and news and viewpoints that will inform my decisions and add information to back up or negate my opinions. If you only listen to or read the mainstream media, you are only getting a slanted, and partial picture of the range of opinion and news that is making our world.

But especially, do not continue to trust the mainstream media to tell you the truth about abortion. Many journalists will continue to try to use the Jedi mind trick and tell you to “move along, there’s nothing to see here.” You and I have a responsibility to know what evils are being perpetrated in our own communities in the name of “choice” and “women’s rights.” If you have turned your head and pretended not to know that abortion is the gruesome and unjustified killing of a human being, then the Gosnell case is a wake-up call.

2. A person’s a person no matter how small. The 20-30 week old babies that Dr. Gosnell killed by snipping their spinal cords with scissors had exactly the same humanity as the baby boy in the video embedded below:

Abortion advocates and supporters of a “woman’s right to choose” must face the question: why did baby Samuel get the care he needed to live while hundreds of babies at Gosnell’s clinic, thousands around the nation, are instead being burned with saline, injected with poison, or “snipped” after being born alive? What makes a person a person? Is it really logical or morally defensible to say that a baby, inside the womb or outside, only becomes a person deserving of life, liberty and medical care when the mother says, “I choose you to be a real person”?

Abortion advocates in reference to the Gosnell case are saying essentially that what Dr. Gosnell did would have been perfectly fine if only he had done it in cleaner surroundings. This logic is untenable and unpardonable. A baby who is three inches inside the birth canal or three days less than the legal age for being protected from an abortion is no less a person than Baby Samuel or any other wanted baby located inside the mother’s womb.

3. We have no idea how many facilities like Gosnell’s are still operating in the United States.

In an egregious example of twisted and backwards logic, abortion advocates are arguing that too much regulation of abortion clinics caused women to seek abortions from Dr. Gosnell, and so therefore abortion clinics in general should receive less regulation and less scrutiny instead of more. They say that women “are forced” to go to doctors like Gosnell because of the lack of availability of cheap, safe abortions elsewhere.

There were and still are multiple abortion clinics and hospitals that do abortions in Philadelphia. Gosnell’s practice went on for over twenty years, without inspections for most of that time, while abortion was legal and available in Philadelphia. Gosnell’s horrors didn’t happen because abortion was over-regulated or because abortion clinics were held to high medical standards. And most of what Gosnell did should not happen to babies or women anywhere, no matter how sanitary the facility is where the “snipping” takes place.

I found these articles in a cursory Google search:

Planned Parenthood clinic closed down in Wilmington, Delaware for alleged Gosnell-like conditions

New Jersey: Health Department Curiously Absent from Abortion Clinics

Muskegon abortion clinic had no routine inspections

There are many more examples. And I could not find anything that told me which states have regulations in place for abortion clinics or how often those standards are upheld if they have been enacted into law. I did find this page at the National Abortion Federation website in which we are told that “abortion is very safe” and “abortion is already regulated.” NAF opposes what they call TRAP laws because they “discourage health care providers from offering abortion care and can make provision very burdensome and/or expensive for smaller providers.”

Would that someone had “discouraged” Dr. Gosnell a long time ago.

2 thoughts on “The Gosnell Horror: What Now?

  1. Pingback: Laudable Linkage | Stray Thoughts

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