Saturday Review of Books: March 17, 2007

Welcome to this week’s Saturday Review of Books. Here’s how it works. Find a review on your blog posted sometime this week of a book you’re reading or a book you’ve read. The review doesn’t have to be a formal sort of thing. You can just write your thoughts on a particular book, a few ideas inspired by reading the book, your evaluation, quotations, whatever.

Now post a link here to the specific post where you’ve written your book review. Don’t link to your main blog page because this kind of link makes it hard to find the book review, especially when people drop in later after you’ve added new content to your blog. In parentheses after your name, add the title of the book you’re reviewing. This addition will help people to find the reviews they’re most interested in reading.

1. Alyssa (Emma Vol. 1)
2. Laura (The Northern Lights)
3. MFS (On the nightstand)
4. Cathy (What we\’re reading)
5. Krakovianka (North and South)
6. Jennifer, Snapshot (Nonfiction recs for students)
7. sage (The Valley of Light)
8. Heather (Seabird)
9. 3M (The Echo Maker)
10. Just One More Book! (Getting to Know Ruben Plotnick)
11. DominionFamily (Between Walden & the Whirlwind)
12. CoversGirl (I Knit Water)
13. Coffeeteabooksme(The Thirteenth Tale)
14. violet (Renovating Becky Miller)
15. whimsy (kidlit we are currently enjoying)
16. SFP (New books)
17. SFP (The Terror)
18. Bonnie (The Poetry of John Donne)
19. MichelleD (Songbird by Lisa Samson)
20. Carrie K. (An Irish Country Doctor)
21. Carrie K. (Take Joy)
22. Lori (Year Zero)
23. Lori (Dakota: A Spiritual Geography)
24. Laura (Yellow Lighted Bookshop)
25. Jen Robinson (The Zoo)
26. Fay (19th Century Historical novels)
27. Kevin Stilley (A Pocket Mirror For Heroes)
28. Cornflower (A Gathering Light)
29. Brooke (The Space Child\’s Mother Goose)
30. Mindy (How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents)
31. Chris Book-a-rama (The Birth House)
32. Booklogged (A Prayer for Owen Meany)
33. Andrew (Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis)
34. Belgian Waffle (Wives and Daughters)
35. Kara (Agatha Christie)
36. ChristineMM (The Over-Scheduled Child)
37. Sam Houston (The Blunderer by Patricia Highsmith)
38. Joy (The Double Bind)
39. Heidi (Unless by Carol Shields)
40. Heidi (The English Patient)
41. John (Coriolanus)
42. Mary (The Tregenza Girls)
43. Mary (A Perfect Mess)
44. Dawn (Skeleton Crew)
45. Wittingshire (Human Traces)
46. Nancy (The Secret)
47. Anthony Hanson (Sayings of the Desert Fathers)
48. Kim (Uses of Enchantment)
49. Melissa (Outlander)
50. Lisa (Lost in the Forest)
51. Nic (We)
52. Beckyb (Higher Power of Lucky)
53. Stephanie (American Gods)
54. Wendy (The Inheritance of Loss)
55. Melanie (Mariana)
56. Sandy D. (The Dark Frigate)
57. Heather (Perfecting Kate)
58. Amy(The Murder of Jesus)
59. Laura (American Bee)

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Thanks to everyone for reviewing, blogging, and linking.

Peruse past Saturday Reviews.

11 thoughts on “Saturday Review of Books: March 17, 2007

  1. I hope the URL comes through – this is the first time I’ve tried, though I’ve been enjoying your blog and looking at book-links for a few months. The book I mentioned is about the experience of being a voracious reader.

  2. And I’m sorry, I didn’t add the name of the book in parentheses. It’s “The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop.”

  3. This is a great psychological novel about how an innocent man blunders his way into becoming the only suspect in his wife’s murder. It was Highsmith’s third novel and one of her best.

  4. Argh, screwed up my first linkage. Should I have waited until next Sat. to post, anyway?

    The book was the 1924 Newbery winner, The Dark Frigate. If you like Patrick O’Brian, you might like The Dark Frigate. 🙂

  5. Sandy: I fixed it. Now’s fine, and I would really like to join in your Newbery Project. I’m on a blog break right now until Easter, but afterwards I’ll email you about joining in.

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