BBAW: First Treasure

Today is the beginning of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, and I’m in Nashville instead of at home with my trusty partner in blogging, my own little Mac. Instead I’m typing this post on a library computer at Vanderbilt University where Eldest Daughter is in class, and I must say it feels . . . out of sync, uncomfortable, and wrong. I didn’t know I was so stuck in a rut, but I miss my Mac. And I missed my blog this past weekend when I was off the grid.

Anyway, today is the day for giving our readers a gift of re-direction to a new blog that we’ve discovered since last year. Of course, my favorite new book blog is Judy’s Seize the Book. (I had to say that; Judy is my one and only sister.) No, I didn’t really have to say that; I really believe I’m giving you a gift when I send you to Judy’s fairly new blog.

Judy works in a library, and she reads a lot. I still don’t know what virus or hereditary condition it was in our family, but both of us caught it: the bibliovirus maybe. Judy reads more Christian fiction and nonfiction than I do, but her tastes are eclectic, too. The post at the top of her webpage right now is a review of Mary Beth Chapman’s Choosing to See. Judy has some great reviews, and she sometimes gives books away, something I don’t know how to do. She’s also got a strange predilection for nasty forensic police procedural crime fiction, something that generally grosses me out. So we’re sisters, but different.

I highly recommend that you add Seize the Book to your blog reader or to your blogosphere rounds if any of the above interests you. My sweet sister is a beautiful voice added to the blog world this year, even if she does read a few gory books along the way.

9 thoughts on “BBAW: First Treasure

  1. That’s always a bit discombobulating when we’re blogging (or simply using) a different computer than our own, isn’t it?

    I will definitely check your sister’s blog out. And in the meantime, you might find my First Treasures post today of special interest …. 🙂

  2. I have heard the name of your blog mentioned quite a lot, but have never visited it before. So I’m now exploring both your sisters blog and your own 🙂 But it appears I actually do follow your sisters blog, it is funny how that happens, isn’t it?

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