I finished reading Patrick–good book.

I finished reading Patrick–good book. I just started The Bounty by Caroline Alexander, subtitled The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty. So far, it’s interesting, but a little slow.

I also read some of my favorite columnists on the web–Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Suzanne Fields. Then, there’s the other three, the one I read to keep up with what the liberals are thinking: Ann Quindlen, Molly Ivins, and Maureen Dowd. I couldn’t read Maureen Dowd tonight because NY Times wants me to register in order to read her column now, and I’m not yet willing to do so. However, judging from the first few words of her column, Maureen is worried about the same thing Molly is worried about, namely that some good news from Iraq might actually escape the liberal news filter, reach the masses, and corrupt the picture of unmitigated disaster that we’re getting from all the major news outlets. The idea that someone somewhere might think that something good is happening in Iraq apparently drives Molly (and Maureen) crazy. And, of course, if we believe this good news stuff, we’re bound to forget that “since Bush declared our ‘mission accomplished’ in Iraq, more than 200 American soldiers have died there, and thousands have been wounded.” How could we possibly forget this fact for a moment; Molly’s on the job and won’t let us.

The liberal columnists do seem to have forgotten a few things themselves. A month ago they were complaining about the electricity and the infrastructure. Now we’re told that the electricity in Iraq is back to pre-war levels–in spite of the sabotage still going on there. Molly doesn’t mention it, and if she did, she would probably only consider this another example of “PR.” US Intelligence now think that much of Iraq’s WMD was transferred to Syria before the invasion, so I notice that Molly isn’t blathering about how there never were any WMD in Iraq in the first place and how Bush deceived us all. Neither does she mention the current danger from Syria which is a direct result of our giving Saddam so much time to hide his WMD while we were trying to placate the French, the UN, and American liberals.

I’d better go to bed. I’m starting to sound like a war-mongering neo-conservative.