Homeschool Ideas: Spice and Sauce

I’m collecting ideas that I want to try to spice up our homeschooling. Cause I’m turning into a boring, grouchy mom-taxi.

The Copy Can from Robin’s Egg Blue. A coffee can full of ideas for copywork sounds like a fun way to practice handwriting.

Think! A Program Designed to Encourage Kids to Think Outside of the Box is a blog where the owner posts a weekly project to encourage kids to think. For instance this week’s idea is: “Place a deck (or more) of cards on the table. Tell your student to build a city. No other instructions.”

The blog Handbook of Nature Study provides a weekly nature study challenge or project. I’d like to see us participate in these projects, too.

Mom’s Marbles has “new ideas every day . . . so mom won’t lose her marbles.” I like this one, too, although it seems more geared toward preschoolers, and I have no more preschoolers anymore. (Boo-hoo!)

I’m going to try to have us participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count, February 13-16, 2009.

Melissa Wiley describes her Parts of Speech car game.

My kids enjoy card games: Set, Alligator, War, and others. Maybe we should play a few more of those.

Do you have any great ideas to spice up my homeschool while we’re all in the doldrums of January (soon February)?

8 thoughts on “Homeschool Ideas: Spice and Sauce

  1. We are doing a history blitz. On 2 days we are doing 2-3 hours of history a day plus kids have to read 30 minutes of history on those days. The other 2 days we are doing ‘regular lessons’.

    I also infused poetry in, and a weekly art lesson at home. I made time for some handcrafts. Boys doing embroidery again and needle felting. I think I”ll take out the polymer clay tomorrow too as there is a snow and ice storm in the works.

    We also are spending one day out of the house doing a HS ski program, a six week thing one day a week that is a completely different thing than we normally do.

  2. I write at Mom’s Marbles too – I didn’t see at first that you’d linked us, but rather I was reading your blog in my reader, and checking out the sites you listed (love the Copy Can idea!), and there we were.

    I find there are more situations when I need to find things for younger kids to do, so my ideas tend towards the little ones… but I am very willing to start weaving in more ideas for older ages too! If you have any particular requests, please let me know!

  3. When we get into feeling bored with school we just take the day off and do something completely different or nothing at all. Watch movies, go somewhere fun. If it’s summer the options are more but there’s nothing like saying “No school today, instead we’ll keep our pajamas on and watch movies instead!”

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