Saturday Review of Books: October 25, 2008

“But I too hate long books: the better, the worse. If they’re bad, they merely make me pant with the effort of holding them up for a few minutes. But if they’re good, I turn into a social moron for days, refusing to go out of my room, scowling and growling at interruptions, ignoring weddings and funerals, and making enemies out of friends. I still bear the scars of Middlemarch.”
~Vikram Seth in A Suitable Boy

Welcome to this week’s Saturday Review of Books, the Autumn’s for Reading edition.

Here’s how it works. Find a review on your blog posted sometime this week of a book you’re reading or a book you’ve read. The review doesn’t have to be a formal sort of thing. You can just write your thoughts on a particular book, a few ideas inspired by reading the book, your evaluation, quotations, whatever.

Now post a link here to the specific post where you’ve written your book review. Don’t link to your main blog page because this kind of link makes it hard to find the book review, especially when people drop in later after you’ve added new content to your blog. In parentheses after your name, add the title of the book you’re reviewing. This addition will help people to find the reviews they’re most interested in reading.

1. Carrie K. (North River)
2. Carrie K. (Graphic Novels)
3. Carol in OR (The Island on Bird Street)
4. Laura (Midwife of the Blue Ridge)
5. Carrie, RtK (The Shack)
6. Carrie, RtK (Fairacre series)
7. 5M4B (See How We Grow)
8. 5M4B (Bon Appetit)
9. 5M4B (Project Dad)
10. 5M4B (Home to Heather Creek series)
11. 5M4B (Gifted Hands)
12. 5M4B (Take Me Back: A Trip Through History)
13. pussreboots (Lion\’s Pride)
14. pussreboots (A Moveable Feast)
15. pussreboots (Dandelion Wine)
16. Literarily (The Bonesetter\’s Daughter)
17. Lynne(The Handmaid\’s Tale)
18. Literarily (A Jolly Good Fellow)
19. Literarily (Faro\’s Daughter)
20. Joy (Forty Words For Sorrow)
21. Mindy Withrow (The Dream Life of Sukhanov by Olga Grushin)
22. Deb on the Run (Raven Black)
23. Janet (The Giver)
24. Carey @ The Tome Traveller\’s Weblog (Dewey)
25. Carey @ The Tome Traveller\’s Weblog (The Darker Side)
26. Shonda (The Smart One and the Pretty One)
27. Hope (How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler)
28. Dawn (Run)
29. Dawn (The 19th Wife)
30. Dawn (Easy Entertaining)
31. Word Lily (Dear American Airlines)
32. Word Lily (Illuminated)
33. JustOneMoreBook! Podcast (One Witch)
34. Sarah M., LH (Marley & Me)
35. BermudaOnion (The 19th Wife)
36. Sarah M., LH (Anne of Avonlea)
37. Michael Lundin (The Perks of Being a Wallflower)
38. gautami tripathy (Sir Cook, The Night?)
39. MFS (Henry V)
40. Diary of an Eccentric (Capote in Kansas)
41. Diary of an Eccentric (Lydia Bennet\’s Story)
42. Chris@bookarama (I Am Legend)
43. Chris@bookarama (Two Austen Sequels)
44. Amy @ Hope Is the Word (My Father\’s Dragon)
45. Beth F (To Say Nothing of the Dog)
46. Barbara H. (Summer Breeze)
47. Luanne Ollivier
48. Benjie (Essential Church?)
49. gautami tripathy (Cold Mountain)
50. Mo (State of Fear)
51. Mo (Killing Time & Duma Key)
52. Jama Rattigan (Autumn Garden Picture Books)
53. SuziQoregon (The Agony and the Ecstasy)
54. Lenore (Chalice by Robin McKinley)
55. Lenore (The Knife of Never Letting Go)
56. DominionFamily (The Hiding Place)
57. Lenore (To The Power of Three by Laura Lippman)
58. Noel (Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City)
59. Noel (Impossible)
60. Dar (Too Close to Home)
61. Dar (Testimony)
62. Becky (Rilla of Ingleside)
63. Becky (Mama\’s Kiss)
64. Becky (Toy Dance Party)
65. Becky (Ghosts in the House)
66. Becky (Humpty Dumpty Jr.: Case of the Fiendish Flapjack Flop)
67. Becky (Where\’s My Mummy)
68. Becky (The Foggy Foggy Forest)
69. Becky (Little Monsters)
70. Becky (Graveyard Book)
71. Girl Detective (The Amazing Remarkable Mr Leotard)
72. Girl Detective (Persuasion)
73. Becky (Octavian Nothing)
74. Becky (Lydia Bennet\’s Story)
75. Becky (Rainbow Valley)
76. Becky (Cicada Summer)
77. Becky (Anne of Ingleside)
78. Jocelyn (Size 14 Is Not Fat Either)
79. Becky (Prey)
80. Becky (Ink Exchange)
81. Becky (Painting the Wild Frontier)
82. Becky (Poison Ink)
83. Becky (If You\’re REading This It\’s Probably Too Late)
84. Jocelyn (Size 12 Is Not Fat)
85. Jocelyn (Jenny Green\’s Killer Junior Year)
86. 3M (Anne of Avonlea)
87. Suzanne :: Adventures in Daily Living :: (Writing & Gardening)
88. S. Krishna (The Fortune Quilt)
89. S. Krishna (The Heretic Queen)
90. S. Krishna (20 Fragments of a Ravenous Youth)
91. S. Krishna (Thank You For All Things)
92. S. Krishna (Testimony)
93. S. Krishna (Safety of Secrets)
94. Deanna (The Lovely Bones)
95. Books & Other Thoughts (Making Money)
96. Books & Other Thoughts (The Bleeding Dusk)
97. Books & Other Thoughts (The Halloween Tree)
98. Books & Other Thoughts (Gregor the Overlander)
99. Books & Other Thoughts (The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan)
100. Books & Other Thoughts (On the Prowl)
101. Books & Other Thoughts (Drowned Wednesday)
102. Books & Other Thoughts (Melisande)
103. Carey @ The Tome Traveller\’s Weblog (The Victoria Vanishes)
104. Nicola (Fractured)
105. Nicola (Killers of the Dawn)
106. Nicola (Resistance)
107. Nicola (Walter the Lazy Mouse)
108. Nicola (Eplorationa and Conquest)
109. Nicola (The Shadow of Malabron)
110. Fate (Athens: A History)
111. Jen (Andrew Clements books)
112. Semicolon (The Girl Who Could Fly)
113. Semicolon (Jeremy Cabbage)
114. Semicolon (The Trouble with Rules)
115. Semicolon (The Truth about Truman School)
116. Semicolon (Eleven)
117. Semicolon (The Year of the Rat))
118. Semicolon (Waiting for Normal)
119. Stella Matutina (Oddest of All)
120. Stella Matutina (Havemercy)
121. Wendi\’s Book Corner (The 19th Wife)
122. Veronika @ Book Central (The Other Side of Me)
123. Kate (A Great and Terribly Beauty GIVEAWAY!)
124. melydia (SCUM Manifesto)

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11 thoughts on “Saturday Review of Books: October 25, 2008

  1. I love it that your quote this week is from A Suitable Boy – I loved that book! I also loved Middlemarch. I think this bodes well for a fantastic line-up of book reviews this week!

  2. Your quote made me laugh outloud. I’ve been trying since six a.m. to post and finally succeeded a short time ago. Don’t know if that was glitch on your end or mine. =)

    Blessings, Hope

  3. Pingback: Raven Black « Deb on the Run

  4. Pingback: Dominion Family » Bright Blue Weather

  5. Sherry, I used the exact quote in my review of Suitable Boy when I read it last year, which is here:

    Loved Suitable Boy. Highly recommend it. And the quote is all the more hilarious because SB is such an enormous book. I love enormous books. Oh, who am I kidding, I just love books. I’m back with a graphic novel and an Austen. Both were good antidotes to Crime and Punishment, my last-read book. Also at my blog, for those who feel like poking about: similarities between C & P and Hamlet, whether Raskolnikov might have been bipolar, and a few delicious quotes from Persuasion in addition to the review of the book and 1995 film.

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