Dura Realidad

Disclaimer: This is a blog about whatever I want to blog about. Mostly I want to blog about books, but sometimes I write about Jesus because He’s my Lord. And sometimes I write about politics because I think it’s important who our leaders are and who makes and carries out our laws. And sometimes I blog about other important issues because I want to write about the things I think about.

Abortion is one of those important issues. I challenge those of you who are pro-abortion, or prochoice, to watch this video, narrated by Bella star Edward Verastegui, and then tell me how you can support anyone’s “choice” to commit such a vile and heinous act as aborting a baby. I warn those of you who are already pro-life that the video is graphic, horrifying, and real. (The translation of the title Dura Realidad is “Hard Truth” or “Hard Reality.”) Do not watch with children in the room, and be prepared to be disturbed. In fact, I could not watch much of the middle part of the video, but I still saw enough to make me remember again what evil we are guilty of as a nation in permitting abortion to be a lawful option.

Dura Realidad reinforces my decision never to vote for Barack Obama or for any other politician who is pro-abortion. Never.

5 thoughts on “Dura Realidad

  1. It is your blog…and your right to blog about whatever you like…that’s why I love blogs…we can state our personal opinions and no one has to agree with us. However, I respectfully disagree and without getting too long-winded…which I can on this issue…I will just say that I’m pro-choice and that video didn’t change my mind and I will be voting for OBama because life in America is about more than what happens in the bedroom. And Republicans have NEVER represented me or the issues that are important to me.

  2. Obama is not pro-abortion. He is pro-CHOICE. The belief that women have the right to chose does not mean that one believes abortion to be a positive action. As a woman and as an American I never want anyone else to tell me how I should treat my body, and I support Obama because he gives me the liberty to chose what is right for me. I certainly respect your opinion that abortion is not the right choice for you, but I find it insulting and illogical that you think it is fair for you to make the choice of if abortion is the right choice for me by supporting politicians like Palin. I also watched the video. Images like that are between a woman and her doctor. It’s none of your business.

  3. Yasmin, abortions don’t happen in the bedroom.

    Maggie, I find it illogical that you want to be able to choose how you can treat your body AND you want to be able to choose what to do with the defenseless body of an unborn baby. Pro-choice is pro-abortion just as pro-choice in regard to armed robbery would be the same as pro-armed robbery. If you choose to make something legal, you are saying that it is a valid moral choice for at least some people. I don’t think abortion is a a defensible moral choice because it kills a living human being.

  4. Pingback: Monday’s List: Obama in His Own Words at Semicolon

  5. Pro-choice. I believe those who are for the fetus rights are pro-choice. The “others” are Pro-Abortion. Let us just call it that.
    It is a very personal choice that the mother and the FATHER should be able to choose. This issue hasn’t been about the rights of ALL parties involved, if it was than the abortion rate would not be so high and maybe the MARRIAGE rate would be.
    If we all just stopped yelling at one another and thought about this logically, no one would really be for abortion.
    Really. think about it.

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