The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn

With over six million copies sold, countless children have been introduced to Chester Raccoon through The Kissing Hand, the first title in the series that firmly shows the importance of characters with whom kids can share their troubles. Now in its 25th year of printing, The Kissing Hand has found its way into the hearts of teachers, librarians, parents, and children around the world, especially during times of separation like starting school, entering daycare, or going to camp. Celebrate the special Kissing Hand anniversary with Chester and his mother in this limited edition family keepsake with a dedication page, Letters to Chester booklet download and, of course, heart stickers.

That’s the PR copy, and I did get a copy of the 25th anniversary edition of The Kissing Hand for review purposes. It seems to be a love-it/hate-it kind of book with parents and precious preschoolers in the love-it camp and librarians and jaded older children on the hate-it side. Or maybe not. The Kissing Hand is included on Betsy Bird’s Top 100 Picture Books List at #95 with commentary that it “seems to raise no ire. It simply fulfills its purpose in life and continues onward after that.” Publisher’s Weekly calls the book “sugary” and “pleasant if sentimental.”

I find it certainly appealing to some, but rather forgettable for me. Maybe I just don’t care for “therapy books.” Or perhaps I’m too much of a homeschooler to fully appreciate a book that’s meant to comfort a child who’s being sent off to day care or kindergarten. The 25th anniversary edition is lovely, and I will include it in my library. However, since my library patrons are also crotchety homeschoolers who eschew sending off their children to school, it may not get much circulation.

Publication date for the new edition is September 11, 2018—tomorrow. It seems a bit late for back-to-school, but if your child is still having separation anxiety, The Kissing Hand may even now come in handy, so to speak.

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