Sunday’s Invitation to Joy

Again, this week it’s all about risk, taking the chance that Jesus is there, that He truly does love and forgive you and me, that we can live abundantly.

From Your Writer’s Group: “Jesus did not come so that we might have safety more abundantly. Imagine the life we’re missing because we’re so concerned with caution. But of course, we can’t imagine it because we lack the imagination and the artists to show us how.”

Jared’s Jesus Reading List; take a chance and read one of these books to encounter Jesus. Or try one of the four gospels.

Joe McKeever: My Dad Keeps Sending Me These Notes. “Now, my dad is sending me these notes. And the thing is, by putting the notes alongside Scripture he’s pointing me to the larger messages from the Heavenly Father. It’s the best of both worlds. Thank you, Pop. You sure knew a great scripture when you found one and the right prayer of thanksgiving for one who knows what it is to receive God’s mercies and forgiveness. Thanks for these little “hellos” you’ve scattered throughout this Bible.”
I think this is a wonderful idea: read through and make notes in a Bible to give to your child or grandchild or other beloved relative someday. What a legacy!

Finally, there’s some good stuff posted on You Tube. Here’s a video to accompany one of my favorite songs from way back when, Creed by John Michael Talbot:

May you live a blessed Sunday!

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