The Hidden Art of Homemaking, ch. 4, Painting, Sketching, Sculpturing

I have zero, zip, nada, no talent or ability in the areas of painting, sketching, sculpturing or creating visual artwork in any form. Nevertheless, I love this chapter of Hidden Art.

“Ideas carried out stimulate more ideas.” So true. My most recent obsession, other than watching K-dramas, is opening a small library for homeschoolers in my area who could use the books and curricula that I have collected over the years, much of which my own children have outgrown. I have a LOT of books and curriculum materials. I would like to gather these resources into one room in my house, and allow homeschool families to pay a small yearly fee to become “members” of my library. (This idea has almost nothing to do with the chapter we’re reading, but everything to do with where God is leading me in the area of hidden art. My giftedness, such as it is, has to do with reading and recommending “living books” and other educational resources.) Anyway, my idea of opening a full-fledged library is thwarted right now by the season my family is in and by the logistics of devoting an entire room to the purpose of a library. Still, I need to figure out a way to start small, and to carry out my idea in some limited way until I can get to the complete vision of a private homeschoolers’ library.

“A sermon can be ‘illustrated’ and thereby ‘translated’ at the same time, to a child sitting beside you, provided the child has any interest at all in understanding.” I used to do this , despite my lack of artistic ability, with my older children when they were preschoolers. I also sometimes had them draw a picture of what the pastor was talking about in his sermon. In fact, as they got older I had a page long form for their “sermon notes” that had a space for the date, the pastor’s name, the Biblical text, a sentence or two about the sermon, and a picture illustrating the sermon. Sometimes on the back of the sheet I drew stick figures, or Engineer Husband drew more detailed illustrations, helping the children to understand the sermon.

How the Semicolon family is expressing “hidden art” this week:
Engineer Husband is designing the program for the upcoming production of Singin’ in the Rain that two of the urchins are starring in. One of my adult children, Dancer Daughter (23) has done much of the choreography for the production.

Karate Kid (16) is in the living room playing the guitar for his sisters to sing along, as they record a a birthday gift song for a friend whose birthday is tomorrow. They’re singing this song by the group He Is We.

Betsy Bee (14) has been decorating and straightening up her bedroom, ironing the pillow cases (?!) and generally making her space beautiful.

My 80 year old mom, who lives in an apartment behind our house, makes beautifully designed cards for birthdays and anniversaries, using her computer and the artwork that she finds or purchases on the internet.

I continue to write my little blog and to try to figure out how to start a library without a designated space.

I’m looking forward to reading the posts that others write about how they incorporate the visual arts into their lives and homes.

5 thoughts on “The Hidden Art of Homemaking, ch. 4, Painting, Sketching, Sculpturing

  1. I feel like you already have a library that I use….

    it’s virtual. I visit your site for good suggestions, for sharing my book reviews, and all-around literary lists and info.

  2. Thanks, Dana. That’s so sweet, and what you said is just what I want Semicolon to be. Thank you for the encouragement.

  3. The library idea sounds interesting. I can see it would be hard to do without a dedicated space.

    I enjoyed hearing the ways your family is incorporating “hidden art.”

    Thank you for sharing your gifts here! I’ve enjoyed and benefited from them.

  4. Sherry,
    I like how you use the chapter as a jumping off point. I hope everyone understands this is a perfect way to participate while still being relevant to your own life and blog. I have not watched a K-Drama yet but I find the trend inexplicable 🙂 But I do need to tell my d-i-l in Japan about them as I think she will like them.

    Loved hearing about the goings on at your house.

  5. i enjoyed your post lots. i admire that you actually did the sermon note thing! i admit my utter failure on that line in my post… 😉 and it seems like you have kids that are really neat-o! 🙂

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