The Hidden Art of Homemaking, ch. 3, Music

I know a lot of musically talented people. My church is full of musical talent, and our worship leader and pianist, Hannah, encourages many people to express their musical abilities in worship and in other venues as well. It seems to me that people within the church can find many avenues for the expression of musical art without much difficulty and usually with much encouragement from others within their particular church body.

I often wonder what non-Christians who are musically gifted or people who just enjoy singing or playing an instrument do to express themselves in this way. I’m not particularly gifted in music, but I love to sing. What would I do without the opportunity to sing every Sunday in a lovely congregational choir full of people of all ages singing together? And then there’s the singing and piano playing that goes on around my house every day. Oh, I would miss so much “art” in life if I were not a Christian. With whom do non-Christians sing?

Of course, the book also talks about introducing your children to good music: classical music and hymns. I feel I used to do this with my now-grown children, but I’ve lost the habit. Now, my older children and my teens are interested in a very eclectic mix of music, everything from Les Miz to Celtic Thunder to Switchfoot to show tunes. They sing the songs of these artists and listen to them. They don’t listen to much classical music because they prefer lyrical music, as do I.

My oldest daughter is a singer with a beautiful voice, and she recently became confirmed as a Catholic. I have several questions about and issues with that decision, but one of the minor things I’ve wondered about is whether or not she’ll have an opportunity to sing, either with a congregation or a choir or as a soloist, giving the gift of her musical ability to others and in worship to God. I don’t feel as if Catholics do much singing (corporately, in worship), but you can correct me if I’m wrong about that. Anyway, I liked the ending sentences of this chapter on music as hidden art because it applies to all of us, Catholic or Protestant, musically gifted or just average, together or alone:

“For Christians, there is no need for alcohol to release our inhibitions in music-making. The reality of the Holy Spirit should free us to joyous expression in the form of melody and song. This is what is meant to be now, and what will continue in eternity. Creative creatures on a finite level, made in the image of the Creative God.”

I like the way each of reads the same chapter on music, and rather creatively, we all go off in different directions in our thoughts about the subject. Check out the linky at Ordo Amoris.

7 thoughts on “The Hidden Art of Homemaking, ch. 3, Music

  1. Isaac Watts quote: The singing of God’s praise is the part of worship most clearly related to heaven;
    but its performance among us is the worst on earth.

  2. I never thought about it but that’s a good question – we have such a good outlet for expression in singing in church every week, and I wonder how the unchurched find such an outlet if they don’t play an instrument.

  3. I am also enjoying enjoying the varied responses and ideas others bring to the discussion in this book study. Music is such a personal and varied thing, isn’t it? Music seems to be a natural, God-given expression of emotion and adoration and celebration. How wonderful we enjoy and appreciate that with instruments or voice or any number of ways

  4. I’m a Catholic convert like your daughter and have found plenty of singing opportunities as a Catholic. Most parishes I’ve been to sing four hymns (intro, offertory, communion, and closing) as well as many of the parts of Mass like the Gloria and the Sanctus. Catholics in the pews may not always be the most enthusiastic singers, but most parishes have a choir. 🙂

  5. Sherry,
    I wonder if Christians sing more than most other people too? I guess the radio is the instrument of choice for most people. A friend of mine is sad that Christians don’t learn to sing in church anymore, sing parts and on key. I know I cannot do those things but they used to be the heritage of the church.

  6. I am so thankful for the opportunity to sing at church every week.

    We recently went to a Catholic memorial service. I was surprised by the beautiful music sung by the choir.

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